Thursday, December 31, 2009


So yesterday's "workout" was a bust... Didn't do anything! So today I hit the weights hard (hard for me anyway, I'm NOT a weightlifter ha ha!) and lifted for strength:

Warmup: 135x7, 135x7
Reps: 225x7, 275x3, 275x3

Warmup: 60x7, 60x7
Reps: 70x7, 80x9, 80x2

I had a spot on the 4th set. On the 5th I went alone and was worried I would drop the weights!

Isometric Holds, 4 sec down x10, 3 sets

Isometric Holds, 4 sec down x10, 3 sets

This was my first attempt at serious lifting. As I said I am not a regular lifter, so I stayed lighter to get used to it. I need the raw strength as well as the static iso strength so I can squeeze and hang onto people!


I am looking forward to 2010, hoping to get one competition a month in for the year! I have about 11lbs to lose to make 189lbs. I have been training in BJJ since March '09.

12.29.09: Went back to my old Danzan Ryu Jujitsu class to roll with the guys/girls. It was a lot of fun, I managed to avoid getting tapped by a brown belt and the 3rd degree black belt instructor, which made me feel pretty good. I was able to tap two green belts with good regularity, which was great because although I outweighed them by quite a bit I forced myself to use good technique and was happy to get my first live armbar (three times!) and a few Kimuras. I am happy with my movements on the ground, I felt very fast and able to maneuver well against the lighter people. This is less due to my own ability and more due to the lack of rolling at the studio. That is ok though, to each their own, and it was a good test for me to see how much I can do on the ground!

No more BJJ until the New Year, so I will workout hard tomorrow since Thurs/Fri will most likely be lazy days haha.